There Is No Such Thing As A Bad Dog…

The dog is never really bad; they are just reflecting the behavior of their owner. When you are taking a walk down a sidewalk, it is indeed disturbing when a dog grabs at your clean clothes. When your front yard is the chosen venue for the next door dog to leave his many calling cards, this is also frustrating. These are bad dogs? Perhaps, but they are only as bad as the kids next door who have never been given a good upbringing.

What can you say about pets and kids who belong to homes where the adults are not responsible themselves? It is wise decision to take the help of a dog trainer to learn the tricks of handling this pet without spoiling its personality. Your vet office or local pet store can put you in touch with trainers who hold classes with pets and their owners but another option is to look for online help with some dog training tips or purchasing a dog training book and get not only help from the book itself but also from the members forum and community. Owners can learn how to manage their pets from this training.

Many times trainers comment that dogs are easier to train than their owners. Dogs that must be leash trained for walking in public or at the park need practice; this begins around the yard or in a smaller location. Both owners and neighbors get angry when they hear barking which although irritating is quite normal behavior. Shouting or punishing your pet for engaging in this normal communication is counterproductive – as well as confusing to the animal.

So why does a dog bark?
Well, just like a young child or baby, it needs attention, food or something to drink. A barking dog can also be a strong deterrent to burglars, so completely suppressing its bark might not be in your best interest. It is not a good idea having your puppy bark, even during play if you are likely too shout at him when he barks as an adult. The trainer can coach you how to instill the behaviors which you prefer in our puppy.

How do you make your new puppy stop the undesired behavior?
Well, simply learn to reward him when he does something which is ‘desired’ behavior. Remember that you can not coach a dog to adapt to certain behaviors which are not part of his genetic make-up. You should look into breeds that exhibit particular characteristics if you want them from your pet.

When does a dog become good?
Good dog behavior can be the result of patience, determination and the love you give to the animal.