Stop Your Dog from Digging Under the Fence

Your dog may be digging because he is too hot or too cold. When your dog digs a hole and lies in it, his temperature can be self-regulated. Different from people, dogs have no way to add or remove layers so they have to get relief from weather conditions in other ways.

Dogs also dig because they are bored. A dog that is apart from his master all day can easily become bored. A dog that is left alone will find ways to entertain himself. Sadly, this might be digging!

In order to stop dogs digging, it will be necessary to channel their behavior in other directions. Often all that is required is that they be given a safe spot for digging without any possibility of consequences. Some dog breeds have an instinctive tendency to dig. Extra patience will be needed with these breeds in order to stop dogs from digging.

For more information on how to stop your dog from digging, I recommend that you check out: Stop Dogs from Digging

The following tips should help to stop dogs from digging up your yard:

  1. Put an unpleasant “present” in the hole dug by your dog. Frequently, a dog will begin digging, take a break from the hole, and come back later to carry on digging. Place the surprise in the hole while your dog is away. Water sprayed with bitter apple is one suggestion (this is available at pet stores).

  2. Another way to stop dogs from digging is by filling the holes with waste found in your garden. Dogs prefer to dig in “clean” dirt. Add dead leaves, sticks, rocks, and mulch to the hole and cover it with a thin layer of soil. It is probable that your dog will stop digging when he discovers the undesirable materials in his hole. If this isn’t successful, fill the hole and spray with bitter apple. Most dogs will cease to dig in that spot as they dislike the smell.

  3. Give your dog his own spot where he is free to dig without fear of punishment. Digging is instinctive for dogs. It will probably take a while for you to teach your dog to confine his digging to that area but it is certaivly possible. One way to stop dogs from digging up your flowers is to provide them with an area in the garden where they can dig as much as they like.

    A sandbox is one option or an area of your garden that has not been landscaped could be cordoned off. If you bury a few dog treats that your dog can find, this will teach him that he is free to dig in that spot. Your dog may need to be given additional encouragement if you have already reprimanded him for digging. As soon as he understands that digging in that area is permitted, he will be an overjoyed dog.

  4. When your dog has been provided with his own designated spot for digging, you will still need to keep things interesting for him. Once in a while, a toy or snack should be buried as a surprise for him. Once a dog becomes bored with digging up the same spot, he may feel that a different part of your garden seems more enticing.

    Every so often, the sand or dirt in your dog’s digging patch should be changed. Dogs prefer fresh dirt to hard earth. There will also be times when your dog will prefer your flowerbed to his own digging area. Spray your flower borders with animal essence, which hunters use to tempt animals. Dogs may stop digging when they smell other animals.

These tips will help to stop dogs from digging in areas other than the designated spots you have assigned to them. Dogs are not being mean when they dig under your fence as this is instinctive behavior for them.

To stop your dog’s annoying digging behavior, make sure you check out: Stop Dogs from Digging