Secrets of Preventing Boredom In Your Dog

Ever get home after a long day at work to find your dog has been digging in your favorite flowerbed or chewed up the sofa?  If this has happened to you, no doubt you want to avoid it happening again.  One possible reason for this kind of behavior is separation anxiety, especially when a dog has been left alone for a long period.  However, it could also just be that the reason is simply that your dog is bored.

boredom in dogsDogs need company and stimulation just as we humans do.  It shouldn’t, therefore, surprise you that your dog may get bored if left all alone for many hours.  Apart from chewing and digging, they may seek attention by constantly barking, licking themselves, pacing and chasing their tails.

Four hours is the maximum time that any dog should be left alone for.  If because of your life circumstances or job, you can’t avoid leaving your dog alone for long periods, here are some tips:

•    Why not hire someone to walk your dog.  Maybe you can get a friend or neighbor to walk your dog. If not, you could hire professional dog-walker.  Walks allow your dog to keep his brain stimulated with all the interesting sights, smells and sounds.  The exercise is great for him too

•    Just as being an only child can be lonely, so can being an only puppy or dog.  I would recommend getting a second dog. Then, you never have to leave your dog all alone.

•    If your dog has a tendency to dig, then why not give him a specific digging pit in your yard or garden. You can make it more interesting by burying treats in it. It could help relieve boredom.  You could make a digging pit where he can dig to his heart’s content without ruining your garden.  At the beginning it is crucial to build up a positive association with the pit so that he wants to spend time there as opposed to in your flowerbed. You can do this by putting treats in the pit, luring him into it often.

•    Keep a variety of chews and toys for him changing the ones you give him daily to keep his interest high. Dispensing toys that contain treats are particularly useful since they have a high fascination for a dog. Also, keep your possessions out of the dog’s reach if you don’t want them chewed up.

•    Hiding treats around the house is one way that you can stimulate your dog’s interest.  You need to strike a balance between the treats being easy to find and providing a bit of a challenge.  You could hide them under an upside-down bowl or Frisbee, or in an old sock.

I hope you find these recommendations helpful in dealing with boredom in dogs.  Obviously when you are with your dog, make sure that you take him out for regular walks and play games with him.  Doing obedience training with your dog is an excellent way to keep up his interest levels also.