Guard Dog Training School: Should Not Be A School Of Hard Knocks

There are several things to consider before entrusting your dog to a guard dog training school. Most important of all is the fact that you should avoid guard dog training schools where the dog is taught through a school of hard knocks. It is far better and more effective in selecting a school where the training methods are gentle and positive. In addition, the method of training should also be different than the standard “board and train” programs that are commonly offered by most run-of-the-mill schools.

No Kennel Stay, Please

The guard dog training school that you choose should not house your dog in a kennel; rather your dog should be allowed to live indoors as part of a pack of dogs. Also, the training techniques used must be positive and should be accompanied with tools (motivational) that will help capture your dog’s attention and so keep him well controlled without at the same time having to resort to harsh measures.

A good guard dog training school is one where your dog gets a personal trainer and where the training program is customized to suit the special needs and abilities of your dog. Once lodged in a guard dog training school, your dog must become part of a pack of working dogs. In addition, he should be taught to remain calm and to pay attention to as well as obey obedience instructions.

It will also help when your dog is allowed to watch other dogs being trained to guard as this will ensure that he takes on positive behaviors. He must also be made to follow a fixed schedule of training and his whole life must be oriented toward this routine which will, first of all, ensure that his old behaviors are eliminated, and secondly, ensure that new and positive ones will replace the old ones.

How long your dog will need to stay at a guard dog training school depends on his disposition as well as the type of training to be given. However, you should expect him to live in a guard dog training school for between two and three weeks. It will also mean spending about fifty dollars per day for him to become a non-aggressive and good guard dog.

Dog obedience training is an essential feature to owning a dog. As a responsible dog owner you will need to ensure that your dog’s physical and emotional welfare is well taken care of. It also means ensuring that he is taught how to behave so that he does not make a mess in the home obeys simple commands and is generally a joy to have around the home.