Wellness Pet Food – For A Dependant Friendship

It is perhaps a great deal when man’s best friend and a girls only companion gets ill because of the food that they eat. While it might not seem like a big deal to most of society that does not have any pets, it sure can turn the owner/friends life upside down. What your dog consumes should not ideally take up most of your time, but since they provide more than companionship providing them with food that meets their own dietary need can put a smile on your face/.

The industry of wellness pet food is indeed a multimillion-dollar business. We as human beings have a natural companion for the animals around us as well as the pet we own. Through the right research wellness pet foods have been discovered and thus the increase in spending. It is not only the left over that we want to feed our pets, but also the medications that will increase their life expectancy.

It is well known that before our beloved pets were tamed they were wild animals that hunted for their own food, sometimes their diets did not provide them with enough nutritional. But it is perhaps backward thinking that your pet can survive on only hunting for its food. If they did scavenge through our bins they would definitely not find the food that would make them healthy. With modern day diets they would die sooner rather than later.

Wellness pet food should be about ensuring that your pet gets the best from life by being fed well. This also in tern relates to the fact that the better wellness pet food you feed your pet, the less likely you will be running to the vet because your pet has been taken ill.

So, What Should You Feed Your Pet?

Let’s agree; is your dog or cat vegetarian that you should worry about the fruit and vegetable content in his diet? What about counting calories and content of the food as per his body weight, size, breed calculate is body mass index all in the name of wellness pet food? Suppose it would be morally right to offer him food on the daily basis, healthy food for that matter, the wellness pet food.

The Moral Of The Story

Does it not puzzle your mind that this wellness pet food has become disturbingly identical to human food? Have we missed the point? And the point here is that these are animals, and we are taking the very essence of being a raw meat eating animal and depriving the animals of what they really are – animals? It is really sad that millions of dollars go into research for the best wellness pet food for our loyal friends. But we cook, preserve, and fortify food and thereafter deem it fit for our pets. Wellness pet food recall is the way to go. But not just for suspiciously infected food out in the market, but for all pet food; after all who really knows what is in that stuff – it’s all suspicious. If you can’t eat it why should your best friend eat it?