How to Bathe a Dog

puppy bathAlmost as important as the bath itself is the preparation before the bath happens. Every dog owner should know how to bathe a dog to get the most satisfying results, and the techniques begin with a thorough brushing session to be sure your dog’s coat is free from mats, tangles and debris. Also check for fleas or hot spots on your dog before you dip him into water.

Prepare the room – bathtub or sink – by protecting items that could be damaged by water (your dog is sure to shake and water will fly). Be sure to introduce your dog to a hair dryer, running water and grooming tools before his first bath so he won’t be afraid of them.

Be sure your bathing supplies are gathered before you begin the bath. This might include shampoo, brushes, combs, cotton balls or anything else essential for his grooming needs. Treats are a good thing to have on hand too, to reward your pooch for good behavior.

You may want to consider a detachable spray hose to ensure you get all the shampoo and residue off your dog’s skin. If you don’t have one, use a container to gather clean water. Other items that aren’t necessary but that you may want to consider are a muzzle (if your dog bites) or a tether to keep it in one place.

During the bath, be sure the water is warm and don’t fill the tub or wash basin too full. Place your dog into the bath very gently and then lightly spray or pour the warm water over his back to get him used to it. Try not to scare your dog – he’ll be more resistant at the next bath.

When your dog relaxes a bit, gently wash his face, but never direct the spray into his face. You can use a washcloth to wet the area around his mouth, eyes and nose. Massage the shampoo all the way down to your dog’s skin so that it lathers, but try and prevent it from getting into the dog’s eyes and ears.

If you’re going to use dog grooming tools such as a rubber brush, now is the time to use it to remove loose hairs and debris. Use a soft brush to clean around the dog’s paws and other possibly sensitive areas.

Now, it’s time to rinse. Using warm water, gently rinse the shampoo lather from your dog’s coat and skin. After the shampoo, you may want to repeat the shampoo process if your dog is especially dirty. A detangler spray is great to promote easier brushing.

After the bath, wrap your dog in a towel and gently rub him dry in a warm, draft-free area. Use a hair dryer if your dog is not traumatized by it.

Learning how to bathe a dog correctly is something you should learn in order to keep your pooch healthy and happy. If done correctly, it’s an experience you’ll both enjoy.