What You Need to Consider Before You Adopt a Dog

You have been probably been hearing the request from your children “Please can we have a puppy?” Dog ownership is a huge responsibility which can be an excellent way to teach your children. However, there are a few things to consider before adopting a dog into your family. You and your family will need to decide beforehand what your new cuddly pet can and can’t do in your home.

One of the first things you want to consider is dog or puppy-proofing your home. A good way to do this is to bend down and look for perils like dangling electrical cords that would be good for chewing; pick toys and other small objects off the floor that could be harmful if swallowed; remove chemicals, paper sacks, plastic items and even plants away from the prying jaws of a puppy. And if you are planning to house train your new pet, remove area rugs temporarily until he is trained. You wouldn’t want him to think that this is a good place to pee!

If you are looking for an excellent guide to potty train your new puppy, visit Potty Training A Puppy.

Invest in a baby gate for those areas in your home where you do not want your new pooch to wander. This might also be used to separate off an area just for him. This will be extremely helpful when it comes to house training. As well, puppies are particularly curious and like to explore. To prevent your dog from chewing your shoes and clothes, make sure that he can’t access them. Make sure your bedroom and closet doors are closed.

Because dogs like to chew, buy some appropriate chew toys and rawhide bones for that gnawing instinct. Puppies teethe and having something safe to chew on will keep them from chewing on things in your home. As well, buy lots of toys to keep him amused. A dog that is bored may be destructive! Most dogs love tug ropes, plush dog toys, squeaker toys, and rubber balls. Similar to human children, pet toys should be age-appropriate. As well, make sure you purchase several different kinds of toys so your dog won’t get bored.

You should have rules in place before you bring your puppy home. Is he able to climb on the furniture? Will he be allowed in your bedroom? Where do you plan for him to sleep? You will want to determine that beforehand so his bed can be placed there. Are you prepared to be flexible and shuffle your game plan around a bit? Occasionally, dogs will choose a favorite area in the house and if it is your bedroom, you will either have to teach him to sleep elsewhere, or permit him to sleep on his dog bed in that room. As with people, dogs have their own unique personality traits. You need to be able to adjust.

You will also need to have a strategy for dog obedience training. A well-behaved dog is a great member of the family. In addition, you will get so much more out of the doggie-human relationship if you invest in dog obedience training. You will need to decide whether you want to use a training school or want to take on the job yourself.

Secrets to Dog Training is the best online dog training guide. To check it out visit, Secrets to Dog Training Review.

You should also decide what you are going to do with your dog when you are away from home? What about a veterinarian? Would you employ a dog sitter or have him boarded in a kennel if you needed to travel? Will your dog have a good sized back yard in which to run? What about exercise? Do you intend to walk your dog so he can socialize with other dogs? All of these are important matters to think about BEFORE adopting a family pooch.