Labrador Retrievers make the Best Family Pets

If you are looking for a pet that will be as affectionate as he is lovable and will adore young and old alike, perhaps a Labrador retriever is the perfect dog for you. These dogs are some of the friendliest animals around, which is undoubtedly why Labrador retrievers consistently top the list of most popular dogs as family pets. The exuberance and zest for life that these animals display make them hard to resist, but make sure that you know what you are getting into before you head to the breeder to select a puppy. Labs may be cute and friendly, but they also grow to a rather large size and they tend to have a huge amount of energy for much longer than other dogs might. While Labrador retrievers may be the perfect dog for many, they are not the right dog for everyone. Consider carefully if the Lab is the right dog for you before you make your decision to add one to your family.

What’s Good about Labs
The list of positives for this breed is a long one indeed. Labrador retrievers are highly social with people and other animals alike, making them a good choice with kids and other dogs. These dogs love spending time with their owners, so they are the perfect companion for singles and families who love to travel everywhere with a dog in tow. Labs are extremely intelligent and eager to please, making them fairly easy to train. They are also very playful and love to spend plenty of time frolicking with their family members. The size of the dog makes them able to handle the rough and tumble behavior of kids and they can be eternally patient and forgiving of the smallest members of your family. With such a long list of positive characteristics it is easy to see why this breed is such a popular one. However, there are some challenges with this breed as well.

What’s Challenging about Labs
One of the most challenging aspects to Labrador retrievers is their size. A fully grown Lab can weigh anywhere from 55-75 pounds, with males averaging a larger weight. In fact, some males can actually get as big as 100 pounds! The height of the Labrador retrievers can vary from 21-24 inches high. The larger size is the primary reason why training of the Labrador must be done before the dog reaches adult size. The other problem with a Lab is the energy level that these dogs tend to have until well into their adult years. This breed needs daily exercise in the worst way, which mean that you will either need to walk this dog daily or offer him a large fenced space to run and play. While Labrador retrievers are intelligent animals, the stubborn streak that many of these dogs possess will make training a challenge at times as well. Make sure that you have plenty of time to invest in the training of your dog before bringing one home.

Labrador retrievers can make wonderful family pets as long as you know exactly what you are getting into. Talk to a breeder or a veterinarian to see if a Lab is in your future.