How to Handle Separation Anxiety in Your Puppy

Puppy separation anxiety is anguish felt by puppies when they are left alone. An anxious dog may bark or whine when you leave for work or go to the store. He may also have potty mishaps and be destructive. A dog that forms a strong attachment to his owner is likely to experience puppy separation anxiety.

Preventing puppy separation anxiety can start before the adoption of your dog. You should wait until your puppy is completely weaned away from his mom, which normally occurs by eight weeks of age. Your puppy should be somewhat independent from his mother. A dog that is taken away earlier may experience puppy separation anxiety.

For a fantastic guide to solve your dog behavior problems, I recommend that you visit: Puppy Separation Anxiety.

Training to prevent separation anxiety can start immediately after bringing your puppy home. First of all, you shouldn’t make a fuss when you leave your puppy alone. This means that you shouldn’t tell your puppy that you’ll miss him or give him extra petting or attention. In the beginning, your puppy should only be left alone for a short while. When you return, don’t make a fuss and carry on with your life as usual.

Training may be more difficult if your dog already displays signs of puppy separation anxiety when you adopt him. Don’t worry, your extra effort will make a difference. Strays or dogs from shelters are the most likely adult dogs to suffer from separation anxiety. Prior to being adopted by your family, it is likely that they had a difficult life. Hang in with them! These adult dogs will frequently be more trusting and loyal.

About half of all adult dogs will improve if given the proper training. Even so, you will probably have you to make some changes to your own routine to make them less concerned about being left alone.

By taking a look at your dog’s environment you may be able to understand what is causing your dog’s separation anxiety. As with puppies, you shouldn’t make it a big deal when you leave. Start slowly by leaving these older dogs for a short while, gradually working up to a longer period of time.

Providing distractions for your puppy when you leave is also a good idea. Your puppy will usually calm down within 30 minutes to an hour after his bout of puppy separation anxiety. Distractions, such as toys or chewies, will keep him occupied for the entire time you are away. This might help him to get over the initial obstacles. Another option is toys filled with peanut butter or cheese. It will take time for your dog to reach the treat so he will work on it until he gets to it. This will assist him in forgetting about you and his separation anxiety.

Another good option is crate training. Using a crate for a destructive dog is particularly effective. They think of the crate as their home so do not destroy it. Your dog should feel positively about his crate so you should never use it to punish him. Dogs should think of their crate as their sanctuary. You should provide him with treats and food while he’s in the crate so feels good about it. When your dog or puppy has convinced you that he will not destroy your home, leave him for a short while. You should leave the door of the crate open so your dog’s sanctuary is available to provide him with comfort.

Your veterinarian may be able to provide you some other ways to prevent puppy separation anxiety. It is important to note that separation anxiety happens for many different reasons.

To learn how to prevent puppy separation anxiety, I suggest that you take a look at Secrets to Dog Training.