How Incontinence In Female Dogs Can Be Treated

trixieIf your female dog leaks urine, it’s important for you deal with this problem. Female dog incontinence won’t go away on its own; it can lead to other problems for your dog and you.

Signs And Symptoms Of Female Dog Incontinence

The most noticeable sign of this problem is a wet spot or urine puddle where your dog has been sleeping. You’ll see it when she gets up. You’re shocked to realize that she can’t control this urine leakage.

Your dog’s bottom may also be red and raw due to urine scald. Because urine is an irritating substance, it causes skin irritation and burning if it’s in close contact with skin for too long. You may also notice that she’s licking her bottom more often, in an effort to keep the area clean. This can lead to further irritation. All in all, it’s an uncomfortable situation for your canine friend.

Another sign of incontinence in female dogs is frequent bladder infections. Bladder infections in dogs are more common in female dogs anyway, because the urethra in females is shorter and broader, which makes it easier for disease-causing bacteria to get into the urinary tract. A pet with female dog incontinence may also have a relaxed urinary sphincter, which makes it even easier for pathogens to enter.

How Can I Help My Incontinent Female Dog?

Your vet can offer several treatments. The first thing to do is to treat the bladder infection, if one exists.

Many times incontinence in female dogs is hormone related. Estrogen is very important for keeping the bladder muscles tight in female dogs. When a dog is spayed, her ovaries and uterus are removed, so her body no longer produces estrogen. This is why this problem often shows up in spayed female dogs between the ages of three and five. Vets will often treat hormone-related incontinence with DES, or diethylstilbestrol.

Incontinence in female dogs is also treated with phenylpropanolamine (PPA). This used to be an ingredient in diet pills until it was banned by the FDA for human use. This can still be used for veterinary treatments, however. Your dog may lose her appetite, and become irritable. Another side effect is changes in blood pressure.

These drugs must be administered to your dog for the rest of her life.

Can Herbal Pet Remedies Help?

Many people are using herbal remedies for various ailments. These natural remedies have stood the test of time and are still being used in many places in the world. The question many pet owners have is, can these herbal remedies be used on their pets?

The answer is yes. Herbal pet remedies are safe and effective, as well as being inexpensive and readily available. It’s important, though to buy these remedies from a reputable company that specializes in producing formulations that are safe for use on pets. Buy only from a company that stands behind its products and offers a money-back guarantee.

Make no mistake about it; people are being more cautious about their own medications, so it’s only natural to expect that they’ll question what meds their pets are on.